Title: Mecha Medium: Rough Pencil Future Plans: Further Design Development I don't draw a lot of 'mech' pieces, so creating my own wasted more than a few sheets of paper. I did use some references, though - The Big O definitely had an influence on the arms, and some of the patterns were inspired by the Protoss Zealot from Starcraft. At some point, I'd like to redesign this piece, or at least make a nice copy of it, one that's free of erasure marks and blurrred lines. If I keep re-tooling it, I'd like to integrate some older mechanical elements, more pistons and steam vents, to sort of give it a dated, old-fashioned appearance. I'm using some snapshots of locomotives for reference. Creating a mech design was a good idea for an excercise on a rainy day, but there's a mech scheduled to appear in "Soul & Sword," a fantasy book I'm creating with some friends. Soul & Sword will be getting its own site in the coming months, and will follow the evolution of this mech's design. |