Title: Strangers in the Night Medium: Pencil & Ink, Adobe Photoshop 5.5 Future Plans: None "Strangers in the Night" is the third piece I created with Photoshop, and I think it shows a lot of improvement from the Saiitoh piece. I actually spent a little time on the background, fiddled with some foreground/background interaction, & generally had a lot of fun doing this piece. I still could've put some more effort into the background (something I've always been terrible at), but otherwise I'm proud of the work. I'm especially proud of the fog, the way it sort of curls around the rest of the composition. The Necromancer in this picture is based pretty closely on the character from Diablo II, but no references were used in designing the figure. Blizzard isn't much in the way of releasing concept art for their games, so I pretty much took the figure whereever I wanted on some scratch paper and polished it up for this piece. |